NDC - Data Delivery Report

Select Year :
Month Total No. of Data Requests Completed Total Time For Delivery of Data After Receipt of Payment Receipt / Certificates (if any) in Seconds Average Time For Delivery of Data
January 2024 301 97588 0 day, 0 hours, 5 minutes
February 2024 303 126805 0 day, 0 hours, 6 minutes
March 2024 260 110668 0 day, 0 hours, 7 minutes
April 2024 406 278931 0 day, 0 hours, 11 minutes
May 2024 261 122188 0 day, 0 hours, 7 minutes
June 2024 271 134711 0 day, 0 hours, 8 minutes
July 2024 326 176633 0 day, 0 hours, 9 minutes
August 2024 368 160175 0 day, 0 hours, 7 minutes
September 2024 329 213558 0 day, 0 hours, 10 minutes
October 2024 254 122510 0 day, 0 hours, 8 minutes

Number of Enrolments since implmentation of DSP Ver. 4.0

Number of Visitors To This Site During Last 31 days

Data Supply Statistics

Select Month :

Number of Records supplied in the month of October 2024
Category of the party New Enrolments Requests Received No. of Records Supplied
D [Department / Organisation / Researcher under Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES)] 7 36 11088525
G [Central / State Govt. Organizations] 14 113 696068
S [Students] 66 88 3107485
I [Research and Educational Institutes] 23 21 220960
C [Government Organisations not under MOES/ Private/ Commercial Firm/ Individual/ NGO] 27 22 16368
M [Media Correspondent] 0 0 0
F [Foreign Parties] 3 1 0


* * * * * * *


NDC - Site Statistics

Sl. # Contents Count Size
1 Web (PHP) Pages 529 6.9 MB
2 Lines of Code (LOC) 133859 ---
3 Images 69 3.6 MB
4 JS & CSS Files 39 1.1 MB

5 Database(s) 2 166.5 MB
6 Database Table(s) 88 ---
7 Database Table Fields 1584 ---

8 Information Documents 8 1 MB
9 Enquiry Files 833 396.8 MB
10 Registration Files 0 0 MB
11 Retrieval Files 6426 5136.6 MB
Total Package : 7904 5700.9 MB

National Data Centre, Pune - Development Team

Data Enquiry and Retrieval Team :

Contributors :

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+91 (20) 25572-254, 255